Sixty-Four comes asking for bread.

 The glacier came alive as the climbers hiked closer. Dan took the deep dive down the rabbit hole. Patricia found the meaning of life in a bowl of Cheerios. Before he moved to the inner city, he had always believed that security complexes were psychological. The wooden spoon couldn’t cut but left emotional scars. A dead duck doesn't fly backward. Peanut butter and jelly caused the elderly lady to think about her past. There's an art to getting your way, and spitting olive pits across the table isn't it. The water flowing down the river didn’t look that powerful from the car The door slammed on the watermelon. He was all business when he wore his clown suit. The tears of a clown make my lipstick run, but my shower cap is still intact. If you like tuna and tomato sauce, try combining the two, it’s really not as bad as it sounds. If you don't like toenails, you probably shouldn't look at your feet. This made him feel like an old-style rootbeer float smells. There's...

When I was little I had a car door slammed shut on my hand and I still remember it quite vividly.

 The dead trees waited to be ignited by the smallest spark and seek their revenge. Watching the geriatric men’s softball team brought back memories of 3 yr olds playing t-ball. He had concluded that pigs must be able to fly in Hog Heaven. She always speaks to him in a loud voice. She found it strange that people use their cellphones to actually talk to one another. I honestly find her about as intimidating as a basket of kittens. To the surprise of everyone, the Rapture happened yesterday but it didn't quite go as expected. It dawned on her that others could make her happier, but only she could make herself happy. The busker hoped that the people passing by would throw money, but they threw tomatoes instead, so he exchanged his hat for a juicer. Charles ate the french fries knowing they would be his last meal. For oil spots on the floor, nothing beats parking a motorbike in the lounge. I cheated while playing the darts tournament by using a longbow. Best friends are like old tomato...

They say that dogs are man's best friend, but this cat was setting out to sabotage that theory.

 It was a slippery slope and he was willing to slide all the way to the deepest depths. Although it wasn't a pot of gold, Nancy was still enthralled at what she found at the end of the rainbow. Red is greener than purple, for sure. I made myself a peanut butter sandwich as I didn't want to subsist on veggie crackers. Combines are no longer just for farms. Twin 4-month-olds slept in the shade of the palm tree while the mother tanned in the sun. All they could see was the blue water surrounding their sailboat. I always dreamed about being stranded on a desert island until it actually happened. She used her own hair in the soup to give it more flavor. Traveling became almost extinct during the pandemic. The body piercing didn't go exactly as he expected. The old rusted farm equipment surrounded the house predicting its demise. The old apple revels in its authority. The tart lemonade quenched her thirst, but not her longing. Seek success, but always be prepared for random cats....